2025 Registration is Open
Welcome to the 2025 season of Duxbury Dragons Youth Football and Cheer! It isn't too early to be thinking about the football and cheer season so as in years past, we are offering our traditional Super Bowl Early Bird Registration Special (with a $50 discount). This year, the discount registration will start today (February 1) and will continue through Super Bowl Sunday, 2/11.
Please see the Resources page where you will find detailed instructions on how to set up accounts and the mobile app. If you have any questions about the registration process, please send an email to duxburyyouthfootball@gmail.com and we will help get you up to speed. All schedules, coach updates, etc. will be communicated through the Crossbar platform this year.
Registration Costs – The registration fees remain the same for this year, that being $400/season for Football and $500/season for Cheer.
Practice Jerseys – We are now providing the convenient option to order your practice jersey as part of the registration process.
Volunteering – Families are required to do a minimum of 2 hours of volunteer time throughout the season. Crossbar will replace the legacy Sign Up genius for our volunteers and will also track your completed hours. This information will be visible and summarized throughout the season in your account. You will have the option to “buy out” to satisfy your volunteer hours. To do so, simply select the 'buy out' box at check out and you will be charged an additional $100.
Sibling Discount – We will not have a family cap this year, but we will offer discounted registration for additional siblings (10% off the registration for a 2nd child, 20% off the registration for a 3rd child, and 30% off the registration for a 4th child, etc. all based on age). It is important to note that this is in addition to the $50 Early Bird Registration Special! Codes for the sibling discounts are as follows:
Code 2NDSIBLING to receive 10% off 2nd registration
Code 3RDSIBLING to receive 20% off 3rd registration
Code 4THSIBLING to receive 30% off 4th registration
As you have hopefully already have noted, we have been posting on Social Media (Facebook, Instagram), but our greatest advertisements come from those involved in this program so please spread the word to other families in town. Should you or anyone else have questions about DYF&C, feel free to have them reach out to me or for returning players, they can reach out to their 2023 Coaches. We are looking forward to a great season!